Hey man very inspiring article. Thank you for providing a great deal of detail, this was great. I was wondering if the model you included was available to be purchased or if you were willing to share? Congrats on the deal!

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Hey Jonathan! adventuresincre.com has a bunch of free institutional quality models for all sorts of commercial real estate. They also have really great training videos to go along with it. I highly recommend watching Justin Kivels videos.

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Great write up! Would love to learn how you saved enough for the down payment, and how you sourced the deal as it was off market?

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Hey! Over the past year we built up a database of a few dozen potential investors from existing relationships, coworkers, and mutual connections. For this deal, we ended up going with a single investor who also signed off on the loan. Lesson learned is the importance of presenting a solid deal, business plan, and building trust with your investors.

We have been pursuing the owner for a couple years now and the timing was never right. However, we stayed persistent and the owner finally gave us a call letting us know he was ready to sell and do a 1031 exchange. Lesson learned is that people want to work with those they trust and have a relationship with. He also liked our extreme persistence ;)

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